Category Topics

General Forum

The place to post your thoughts and screenshots and general chat.

Bell 47

For fans of the Iconic Bell 47 helicopter. Any questions or information about it will go here.

FlyInside B206

The Iconic Bell 206 Jet Ranger. What else can you say. Does it all, sexy as hell and I own one! Best all around aircraft for all your needs.

RotorWay RW162F

The RotorWay RW162F the most affordable way to get into helicopter flight. Cheaper than a Sports car in the used market. Experimental so you can do you own maintenance and it only burns 8 gallons an hour of 92 Octane car gas!


Had a RotorWay RW162F for a while? Want a massive upgrade and turbine powered bragging right? This aircraft is for you! The JetExec may start life as a RW162F, but that’s about it. Turbine engine, gearbox driven main rotor and shaft driven tailrotor for the win! Go smoother, faster and go higher!

Bell 47 for XP11

A place for all things Bell 47 for X-plane, screenshots, tech queries or anything really, please be polite at all times.

Tech Support

Please be polite and courteous at all times.

Feature Requests

Section for future updates with your requests (We can’t promise )