As you know the 2024 store isn’t open yet, so I can’t download the B206 in MSFS2024. Is there a way around that? Could I, say, reinstall 2020, get the B206 module in that store, patch it for 2024, and copy it to 2024? If possible, is there a guide to do that somewhere?
If you have it installed in 2020 just look at the community folder location tab in the My Library. Should just allow you to use that. If not, maybe copying the 2020 aircraft out of the folder and into the community one will work. There is not “patch” for 2024. If you purchased it on marketplace, it should, theoretically, come up in the my library under 2020 aircraft and be usable as is.
Thanks for your help! Both of my installations are through Steam.
I’ve copied the (updated) b206 folder from here
To the msfs2024 community folder, which is in:
\Users[myusername]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024\Packages\Community\
But the b206 isn’t showing up in msfs2024. Can you see from this what might be wrong?
Not going to work. Since you purchased it through MSFS marketplace 2020 you will have to go into MSFS 2024 marketplace (or MY LIBRARY) and open it from the 2020 aircraft checkbox. If it doesnt appear, it’s an Asobo/Microsoft issue.
You could try moving the b206 folder that’s in 2020 OFFICIAL to the 2024 OFFICIAL and see if that works.
Everyone is having 20204/2020 issues. They change everyday.
The B206 does appear in My Library in MSFS2024, but is listed as ‘disabled’ with no way of activating it.
The %appdata% folder for msfs2024 doesn’t have an ‘official’ folder, but it does have a folder named ‘Official2024’ under Packages. Moving the b206 folder in there does seem to have changed something, because the My Library item for the B206 now prompts me to ‘Restart sim’. Doing so changes nothing, though.
I realize from this there is not much you can do until the MS store opens, but thanks anyway.
I suggest you contact Microsoft/Asobo with you question as we have zero control over their marketplace.
I have purchased FlyInside Bell 206 from the website.
My MSFS 2024 community adress is:
User name>Appdata>Local>Packages>Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe>LocalCache>
Is that a question???
I only want to say that all works well.
LOL! No worries!