Landing in Autorotation

Has anyone managed to land without an engine with this helicopter (autorotation) ?

Hi @Al1 and welcome aboard.

This is a skill that I have been trying to master.

My understanding of the process is that once you lose the engine, you bottom the collective, try to maintain an IAS of over 65mph and pull up the cyclic and the collective, at just the right time, to bring you to as close to a hover as you can, before landing.

The key, for me at least, appears to be exactly when the right time is to level out the dive. Not too low, not too high, just right.

I guess practice makes perfect.


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There’s the most important thing, illustrated in my post, namely the need to listen carefully. :slight_smile:

I’ve just had my understanding corrected and thought i had better provide the proper instructions for autorotation, “from the horse’s mouth” as it were. :slight_smile:

“So engine quits, lower collective smoothly, maintain 60-65mph forward speed, maintain rotor rpm in high green (you will have to keep adding and subtracting collective to do this to prevent rotor overspeed). At ~30ft begin your deceleration, at 10ft you should be very close to 0 airspeed, raise collective to cushion landing”.

“You will have to move the cyclic to maintain airspeed and lateral stability. Then lots of cyclic movement at the bottom for the flare, level out and touchdown”

Thanks Rick


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Best speed for autorotation should be 45mph, 60mph for extended range.
Here we’re aiming for a specific spot (We have to land within 50’’ ), so there’s a bunch of range variations.