Hi, it’s support of your website that I’m looking for.
I want to purchase your 206, but a bug on your website is stymying me, I’m afraid.
I’m from Australia, and when I go to buy your product, I expect the price to be in either $US, or $AU - PayPal can handle either of those just fine.
But when you show the amount to be paid in $AU, but label it $US, it just adds on the conversion rare again, giving me a VERY inflated cost.
Here is the original price:
The same appears to be occurring for other nations, as well (at least it is for the Kiwis (NZ)), and I suspect that other non-US “$” countries may be suffering from the same sort of conversion problem, as well.
I just noted the price change that has just been made to the product, but it is still inflating it for me when I use PayPal, my preferred payment method.
Your assistance would be much appreciated.