Problem with Heli manager

I bought the Bell 206 within MSFS market place. The heli manager showed up once when I loaded the heli in MSFS, but it no longer shows up when I start MSFS again. If I load the heli manager from the start menu, it loads up but it shows awaiting aircraft.
So, is the heli manager still required for the Bell 206, and if yes, how to get to the heli manager now? Incidentally, I also have the Bell 47 and the heli manager works ok there.

Thank you,

I know I answered this on Facebook, but it bears repeating here. To open HeliManager on the marketplace version, simply press the black button to the right of the OAT gauge (near the clock)


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Once in Heli Manager there is a check box that says load on start up also you must have msfs running and the 206 loaded and ready to fly gefore heli mgr will see same