Texture repaint question

I am trying to do a repaint, using the blender stencil method. When I import it into blender, and choose the tail rotor guard, I can paint it, but the texture assigned to it in blender is “Plug_!Base color”. I cant find any corresponding DDS textures with that name. What is the name of the texture for the tail rotor guard?
Similarly, when repainting the horizontal stabiliser, it assigns the texture of “MG_MRB7 base color”. I can find that DDS, but when repainting the stabiliser, it only colours the bolts, not the surface. What am I missing?

orange is the rotorguard


and this is tail orange were the number is

Thanks heaps. saves me heaps of time trying to hunt it down.

thanks Easyraider. I found the tail rotor guard, but the elevator still eludes me. I did a test colour of all the albedo textures, but the elevator comes up black- see pic. where is the elevator??

Found it. talk about obscure location for that texture. Cant understand why so much details go into painting each bolt on the tail boom, but the whole elevator gets hardly any attention. Now just have to do battle with writing up a layout.json and maybe then be able to post.


OK, I got this far by copying my textures into the orange texture base. Now I need to create my own file structure so I can upload it. I tried to make the structure and layout.json etc altering the existing orange texture file, but it didnt add into the sim. I am obviously missing something. Anyone good at json / cfg files can spot where I went wrong??

layout json-

“content”: [
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/aircraft.cfg”,
“size”: 13723,
“date”: 133034913202581053
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/B47VER20_CABIN_2_BASECOLOR.PNG.DDS”,
“size”: 11184952,
“date”: 133034936655340415
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/B47VER20_CABIN_2_BASECOLOR.PNG.DDS.json”,
“size”: 102,
“date”: 133034936655220384
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/B47VER34_NEWROTOR3_CABIN_2_001_BASECOLOR.PNG.DDS”,
“size”: 11184952,
“date”: 133034936578208016
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/B47VER34_NEWROTOR3_CABIN_2_001_BASECOLOR.PNG.DDS.json”,
“size”: 102,
“date”: 133034936578107994
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/B47VER34_NEWROTOR3_DETAILS_1_001_BASECOLOR.PNG.DDS”,
“size”: 11184952,
“date”: 133034936632930330
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/B47VER34_NEWROTOR3_DETAILS_1_001_BASECOLOR.PNG.DDS.json”,
“size”: 102,
“date”: 133034936632850311
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/B47VER45_DETAILS_2_BASECOLOR.PNG.DDS”,
“size”: 11184952,
“date”: 133034936544220364
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/B47VER45_DETAILS_2_BASECOLOR.PNG.DDS.json”,
“size”: 102,
“date”: 133034936544130344
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/FLOATS_S_ROUGHNESS.PNG.DDS”,
“size”: 11184952,
“date”: 133034936711419160
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/FLOATS_S_ROUGHNESS.PNG.DDS.json”,
“size”: 166,
“date”: 133034936711319133
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/MGRP_MRG7_DIFFUSE.PNG.DDS”,
“size”: 22369776,
“date”: 133034936619667348
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/MGRP_MRG7_DIFFUSE.PNG.DDS.json”,
“size”: 119,
“date”: 133034936619497304
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/texture.CFG”,
“size”: 31,
“date”: 132632404705540000
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY/texture.SKIP/thumbnail.JPG",
“size”: 618513,
“date”: 133016028478561255
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY_floats/aircraft.cfg”,
“size”: 13723,
“date”: 133034913202581053
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY_floats/texture.SKIP/texture.CFG”,
“size”: 75,
“date”: 133034901276850656
“path”: “SimObjects/Airplanes/b47_SKIPPY_floats/texture.SKIP/thumbnail.JPG”,
“size”: 673699,
“date”: 133016033048469704

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this work for the new version,but i can not get floats to work as a mod?
so you can use my as a base? for floats i am lost

I’ll give that a go

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i try to get a mod work for Floats,it show up,but only one texture from tail load,
all other textures does not show,were nice to get this fix,
i use my folder and point all to the b47 float folder

I tried installing the float version as a separate file, but that did nothing. I tried installing the float and the skid version in one package, but only the skid showed, so I am at a loss as to why. The only solution I thought would be to ask people to copy and paste into existing texture files, but I think that will be too much of an ask for most people.

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i ask for help here,but nothing,so i give up…
you can upload for ski,so if one can ad it to mainfolder,he can do…
it is a shame,most painters give up at this one…
it is easy to ad in the mainfolder,have all working…
but for upload,you need more time for support as for the paint…
so upload for ski?

my upload at fs.to is updated to work as a mod,createt by geloxo!
you can use as a base for your paint…Thank You!!!

Mate. You’ve done the Skippy livery? Champion! Where/when will I be able to get it?

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now we have a mod wat work for float,so there is hope :+1:

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good to hear, it has been driving me nuts. look forward to seeing your solution


there you see how it work,one user put it together for me :+1:
you need to change the texture cfg for float and rename the folder and entry in aircraft cfg,easy if you check…

it work :+1:
look´s great,well done :+1:

cheers Ralf

thanks Ralf
your help on that float configuration finally made it work.

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Magnificent. For the maiden flight, I flew from Bankstown (which is more than likely where the helicopter was based) to the site of Ranger Headquarters. The clump of bushes in the last picture is more or less where the helipad was in the show, if I’m not mistaken.

great to see it in action.

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