Particles are NOT particles in this case…they are 2D billboard jpegs !! * (It looks like X plane 9). Really killing the immersion and that in 2023 with all new technology?!
When do we get real PARTICLE EFFECTS?
Particles are NOT particles in this case…they are 2D billboard jpegs !! * (It looks like X plane 9). Really killing the immersion and that in 2023 with all new technology?!
When do we get real PARTICLE EFFECTS?
These are real particle effects, we’re using the MSFS particle effect system. And due to the way it functions, still need to balance particle size, particle count, appearance, and performance.
Must be something wrong in my setup, because I see the billboards floating by clearly and you can see them fade out in exactly the same shape they appeared. I 'm 99.99% sure these are not particles. (When using the Alouette 3 helicopter I do see particles it seems although I’m not 100% sure either after studying it more closely ).